function wprc_manipulate_existing_cache_header( $header_value, $header_key, $request_uri ) { if( 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' === $header_key ) { $header_value = 'X-WP-Total'; } return $header_value; } add_filter( 'wp_rest_cache/cache_header', 'wprc_manipulate_existing_cache_header', 10, 3 );

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Our Foggers

Our range of ULV (Ultra Low Volume) fogging machines atomise disinfectant chemicals to a particle size of between 5 and 30 microns, which then disperse into the surrounding area. Fogging machines are extremely efficient at dispersing chemical agents throughout an environment. The air itself and every surface, nook and cranny is reached and disinfected. The […]

Our Chemicals

ADI is a powerful, non-toxic disinfectant chemical, with a Log Reduction rate of 6,25, effectively killing 99,999925% of viruses, bacteria and fungi within 30 seconds from application. The product is internationally certified on BS EN 1276:2009 and is SANS 183:2017 compliant. The chemical is also registered with the NRCS, Act5GNR529/293389/140/1087. The disinfectant is a blend of […]

Benefits of Disinfectant Fogging

Over time, your home or business naturally collects dust, bacteria, and viruses. Although germs gather everywhere, they are of special concern in high contact areas. High contact areas are the objects and surfaces where you and other individuals touch the most. Prime examples include doorknobs, table tops, and light switches. The high amount of traffic […]

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