function wprc_manipulate_existing_cache_header( $header_value, $header_key, $request_uri ) { if( 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' === $header_key ) { $header_value = 'X-WP-Total'; } return $header_value; } add_filter( 'wp_rest_cache/cache_header', 'wprc_manipulate_existing_cache_header', 10, 3 );

Benefits of Disinfectant Fogging

Over time, your home or business naturally collects dust, bacteria, and viruses. Although germs gather everywhere, they are of special concern in high contact areas. High contact areas are the objects and surfaces where you and other individuals touch the most. Prime examples include doorknobs, table tops, and light switches. The high amount of traffic that visits these areas makes them perfect breeding grounds for germs and easy exposure points for cross-contamination. The more people that touch an area the more likely they leave bacteria for the next person to pick up. Fogging can apply disinfectant to large spaces including high contact areas, lowering the chance germs will spread between persons.

Other areas of concern are the small nooks and crannies in your home or business that are seldom cleaned due to their difficulty to reach. Despite their remote location, tough-to-reach places still collect germs and may still receive contact from individuals. Fogging technology eliminates the need to move furniture to disinfect contamination. As the fog passes through the crack, it clings to the surface applying disinfectant as it lands. Disinfectant Fogging saves you the time and heavy lifting but still cleans hard-to-reach places.

The biggest advantage Disinfectant Fogging offers is its ability to clean areas of all sizes with ease. As mentioned before, over-the-counter cleaning supplies have limited area-of-effect because they are simple spray bottles. The ULV Fogger is what gives Disinfectant Fogging the power it needs to cover full buildings. This makes it the perfect fogging application for businesses. Businesses often have high traffic from employees, clients, and visitors, exposing everyone to viruses and bacteria. Routine fogging can reduce the amount of pathogens that reside in the building, therefore lowering contact risk.

Whether you own a restaurant, have staff in an office building, or want to deep clean your home, the advantage of Disinfectant Fogging is its versatility. You can use it as often or as little as you like; it all depends on your need. You can use Disinfecting Fogging as a full-service, routine measure or as a compliment to the cleaning you already perform on your own. Disinfecting Fogging offers you peace of mind and with current higher standards of sanitation, that is something worth the call.

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